Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Wintry Bluebird Kind of Day

Over the weekend, 
we had very blustery weather and even some swirling snow showers.
Oh, how I have missed the snow this year.

Tucked out of the wind, a shy blue bird greeted us first thing in the morning. He was knocking at the window trying to come in.

He took one look at us though and dashed away, but then returned, perhaps because he enjoyed the break in wind he had found or perhaps, was curious about us. He did this for hours and provide us delightful entertainment.

He reminded me of a cheerful little book from my daughter, 
called "The Bluebird of Happiness" 

and this quote, 
"This is the best day the world has ever seen. Tomorrow will be better."

You can't help but smile, when you see a bluebird.

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