Friday, August 21, 2009

Share the Harvest!

After pickling, freezing and canning, baking tons of zucchini bread, making lots of salads, cooking and giving every person that you come into contact the bounties of your garden and you still have more to give away, consider donating your extras to a local food bank.
There is a great demand for food in our communities which led to the creation of Sharing the Harvest - See the article for more information and details.
Be sure to contact the food bank for hours and needs before heading over.
Here are some sites to consider:

Local Food Banks for Bucks County:
Food Banks in Bucks County:
Bucks County Housing:

National Food Bank Info:
Feeding America:


  1. Hello friend! Your garden grows very well! How did you get motivated to start this?

  2. Hey there, We wanted to be more self-sufficient and grow organic food. It is so satisfying to grow all this from seeds or reasonably priced plants. It is like Christmas everyday in the garden.

  3. I love zuccini bread and all of that veggie stuff! It's fun eating veggies that you've grown in your own garden.

